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Yes, me. You know, the bloke on the front page.
Some stats:
Height: 1 m 88.
In feet you bastard! 6ft2".
Weight: 75 kg.
In pounds!! Feck off, can't figure that out.
Hair: Dark blond.
Eyes: Two.
Oh, the colour: blue.
Shoesize: 46.
Religion: Hmph. That's a tough one. Well, I am Christian, at least that's certain. But for the rest... Well, I like to keep an open mind.

The History or Story Behind Me
Oh crap, I'll have to edit the rest of this someday... God...
Aaaand... it just happens to be this day, seeing as I have some free time. So, where should I start?

At The Beginning, For Example
Hm, quite right. But, the beginning of what, me wonders? Well, let me just tell you something about me (fall asleep and I'll kill you).

The Beginning
I was born in Poland, on a cold autumn morning on the 19th of october, 1982, in the city of Wloclawek (naturally, none of you will be able to pronounce it correctly, but that's ok.). We can skip my childhood, which was quite a happy one. But, ironically, when the Wall fell and the Soviet Union became history, bad times arrived. Unemployment reared its ugly head, so my parents decided to seek work elsewhere. In the Netherlands.

What, The Netherlands? Yes, The Netherlands
You know, that small country left of Germany. Anyway, they found employment there, while I stayed with my grandma in Poland. They sent us money, and thank God for that, because life wasn't easy. The situation remained unchanged until 1994. By then, my father had found a job of his liking, and we decided to move to the Netherlands altogether.

The Big Change
I admit, it was quite a change. New surroundings, new people, new language. Fortunately, near our house was a school for foreigners. I spent a year there learning the language, together with other children. After that, I was sent to a secondary school (? I think that's the right term..), and after six years, here I am, writing this drivel noone is going to read anyway (you may wake up now).

And Now For My Personality
What kind of person am I? Good question, undoubtedly one you didn't ask. Let's start with the 'bad' things. I tend to be quite arrogant from time to time, and some people have called me egocentric. I lie quite a bit, but in an inventive manner. People are know to call me a scheming bastard, and to be quite frank they're right. There are certain kinds of people (subcultures...) which I just can't stand, like skaters or the "yo I'm kool mutha fucka" kind of rappers and hiphoppers. I severely dislike punkers, for their "I'm original, just like the rest" attitude. Beside that, I'm quite an amiable person.
What kind of music I enjoy? Well, quite a lot, actually. Classical music, metal, rock, gothic, jazz, drum and bass, a bit of techno... Quite a bit, as you can see. I don't have a favourite band or anything, but I am quite a Chopin fan.
Literature, both prose and poetry, is my other hobby. Seeing as I speak quite a few languages (tends to happen when you emigrate), I am able to say I know a variety of literature in its original language. E.A. Poe is my favourite writer and poet, whereas R.M. Rilke comes in second when it comes to poetry. I also like Szymborska's poetry for her apparent simplicity, which hides deeper meaning underneath.
Other hobbies... Pfff... Let's see... I like to draw, especially with carbon. I'm also involved in quite a few rpg's (roleplaying games), Warhammer being the foremost.
And, last but not least, I'm an avid pipe smoker and collector. To be quite frank, I started smoking pipes because they seemed the perfect thing to complete my "psuedo-intellectual" look. And they have. Just look at the pictures!
Well, I think that about wraps it up. You now know more about me than you should. Happy?